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MigrAction Plan


The Migration Action Plan 2007-2011, the framework for the MIGRATION STUDY GROUP, has four main goals:
    • I.1 Obtaining solid data on migration in France 
    • I.2 Gathering and analyzing data on active migration 
    • II.1 Creating a network of interconnected migration watch points in France
    • II.2 Recruiting, training and maintaining volunteers
    • II.3 Developing and spreading knowledge on migration
    • II.4 Raising public awareness on migration
    • II.5 Raising awareness among school groups
    • III.1 Assessment of key stop-over sites for improved conservation
    • III.2 Identifying priorities in species protection 
The original MigrAction Plan 2006, offers more background information 
Goal I: Harnessing knowledge to ensure effective protection of migratory birds
I.1 Collecting trustworthy data on migration in France
Action I.1.a Creation of standard documents to survey active migration
Action I.1.b Sharing data on migration, stop-over and ringing sites
Action I.1.c Fill a knowledge gap in migration timing of game species
Action I.1.d Propose a formation to volunteer migration watchers
I.2 Using data on active migration
Action I.2.a Adopting a common data base
Action I.2.b Sharing data of a number of pilot sites
Action I.2.c Data analysis by independent scientists
Goal II: Raising public awareness focusing target groups
II.1 Network of migration watch points
Action II.1.a Creation of an Internet site for the network
Action II.1.b Realizing a biannual information letter
Action II.1.c Organization of an annual meeting of the network
Action II.1.d Setting up of thematic work groups
II.2 Recruiting and keeping migration watchers motivated
Action II.2.a Creation of a brochure « How to become a migration watcher ? »
Action II.2.b Valorization of volunteer migration watchers
Action II.2.c Improving the conditions at the watch points
II.3 Promoting and spreading knowledge on migration
Action II.3.a Creating and providing our annual report presenting the migration surveys
Action II.3.b Complementing and enhancing existing species conservation programs
Action II.3.c Identifying species conservation priorities and propose lobbying accordingly
Action II.3.d Press contacts to promote migration
II.4 Raising public awareness on migration
Action II.4.a Organization of national events fostering cooperation on migration
Action II.4.b Sharing existing educational tools
Action II.4.c Creation of elementary communication supports
II.5 Raising awareness of school youth on migration
Action II.5.a Sharing educational tools for school youth
Action II.5.b Proposal of annual «  migration » project for schools
Goal III: Reinforcement of species and habitat protection at stop-over and migration sites
III.1 Defining priorities in terms of spacial protection
Action III.1.a Identifying unprotected important bird areas
Action III.1.b Mobilization of the network to complete the protection of important areas for migrants
Action III.1.c Ensuring the effective protection of areas benefiting from a protected status
Action III.1.d Proposing natural habitat management resources for migrant birds on the migraction website
III.2 Defining priorities in terms of species protection
Action III.2.a Proposal of a systematic « migrant bird » topic in the conservation goals of protected areas
Action III.2.b Preventing power line casualties
Action III.2.c Limiting the impact of windmills on migrant birds
Action III.2.d Founding an observatory of new threats to migrants
Action III.2.e Contribution to more bird-friendly opening and closure dates of the hunting season in line with species conservation
Goal IV: Organization and continuation of the program
Action IV.1.a Organizing a steering group
Action IV.1.b Ensuring the coordination (secretariat, animation of the network)
Realization of a year report
Search of sponsors
Goal I: Harnessing knowledge to ensure effective protection of migratory birds
I.1 Collecting trustworthy data on migration in France
Action I.1.a Creation of standard documents to survey active migration
A specialized workgroup will elaborate a standard protocol for an active migration survey and data processing that will be published on the website and spread through the network. These reference documents will improve the quality of surveys by volunteers.
Action I.1.b Sharing data on migration, stop-over and ringing sites
Contacts with the network of nature reserves along the Channel and the Atlantic coast, the Natura 2000 network, with the federation of ‘parcs naturels régionaux’ and CRBPO will be established in order to share data at stop-over sites and ringing data.
This data exchange is a conditio sine qua non to improve the general knowledge on migratory birds in France: if diurnal migrants and raptors can be surveyed relatively easily at migration watch points, the survey of wildfowl requires regular counts at stop-over sites and waders and warblers may be more easily studied by ringing.
Action I.1.c Fill a knowledge gap in migration timing of game species
A specialized workgroup will elaborate an adapted protocol for stop-over sites to fill the knowledge gap in the migration timing of some game species. The protocol will be proposed to the network of protected areas in France that will hopefully include it in their annual goals.
Action I.1.d Proposing a formation to volunteer migration watchers
A one week formation will be proposed to new volunteer migration watchers. The formation will be given by an experienced migration watcher. It will be validated by an attestation, valid for all migration watch points. A small fee will be asked, funding the functioning of the migration watch points.
I.2 Using data on active migration
Action I.2.a Adopting a common data base  
An online database, directly accessible to field birders, has been created to centralize and share the data collected at the migration watch points. The interface will be a first step in the harmonization of the migration records in France.
After careful comparison with existing internet tools, the steering group opted to create its own database, adapted to the specific requirements of detailed scientific counts: Migraction
Action I.2.b Sharing data of a number of pilot sites
On some 40 migration watch points in France, about ten have been surveyed on a regular basis in a standardized way during at least ten years. These key sites can be considered representative of migration in France.
Sharing data from these sites and their analysis will permit to show trustworthy trends of the migratory flow in France. We aim to standardize working methods, both in the field and on the internet. This is crucial to provide comparable data.
Action I.2.c Data analysis by independent scientists
The data on migration will be transmitted to an accredited laboratory. The statistical analysis will allow to discern significant species trends and to determine the issues at stake and conservation strategies.
The independence of the laboratory will allow an objective analysis of the migratory flow. This credit is also needed to resolve politically sensitive issues, such as the opening and closure of the hunting season, based on sound scientific arguments.
Goal II: Raising public awareness focusing target groups
II.1 Network of migration watch points
Action II.1.a Creation of an Internet site for the network
This website has been created, giving real time information on the different migration watch points, including up-to-date counts, annual bird reports, technical information (forms for migration watchers, information about migrant species…), bibliography, links and news related to migration. A discussion forum will also be available, as well as an intranet for members of the network.
Action II.1.b Realizing a biannual information letter
Twice a year, a news letter will be published both in paper format and on line. This information letter targets the network and the general public visiting the migration watch points.  
Action II.1.c Organization of an annual meeting of the network
Once a year, the network will meet near a migration watch point during a weekend. The annual conference fosters cooperation and allows an exchange of knowledge and experience. The first annual meeting was held at Bidarray, Pyrenées Atlantiques on 13-15 June 2008. The next one is scheduled near col de l’Escrinet, Ardèche, 19-21 June 2009.
Action II.1.d Setting up of thematic work groups
In order to increase its efficiency, to reveal competences and to activate the network beyond the steering group, autonomous workgroups will be created in regular contact with the steering group.
The following groups will be created:  
-data retrieval and processing
-data analysis
-raising awareness and communication
-ringing schemes
-survey of waders and wildfowl…
II.2 Recruiting and keeping migration watchers motivated
Action II.2.a Creation of a brochure « How to become a migration watcher? »
A leaflet « How to become a migration watcher?  » will be created and diffused through the naturalist networks to the general public. It will present the issues at stake and the need of this volunteer activity.
Action II.2.b Valorization of volunteer migration watchers
The Internet site, the information letter and the annual report will present the volunteer migration watchers, their motivations and their field work.
Action II.2.c Improving the conditions at the watch point
The network will seek partnerships and sponsors in order to improve the conditions at the watch points (hides, bird observatories…), and to provide educational tools (books, leaflets…) and optical gear.  
II.3 Promoting and spreading knowledge on migration
Action II.3.a Creating and providing our annual report presenting the migration surveys
An annual migration report will be compiled on the basis of annual reports by the participating watch points. This publication will be diffused through the migration network and BirdLife Europe and will also be available on internet.
Action II.3.b Complementing and enhancing existing species protection programs
The year report of the migration watch points will be communicated to the coordinators of migratory species protection programs (e.g. national restoration plans, LIFE projects…).
Action II.3.c Identifying species conservation priorities and propose lobbying accordingly
The migratory trends at the pilot sites (cf action I.2.b) will be analyzed and compared to existing migratory species protection programs. Based on this, we will identify new conservation goals, which will need to be addressed at various levels.
Action II.3.d Press contacts to promote migration
The annual report on migration in France and the migration network will improve communication with the press (e.g. on avian influenza H5N1). The steering group will prepare press releases.
II.4 Raising public awareness on migration
Action II.4.a Organization of national events fostering cooperation on migration
Important events connecting people on the subject of migration will be organized and/or backed by the network, brought to the attention of the general public and presented to the media: e.g. SpringAlive, Eurobirdwatch, Wetlands International. Local key players will be contacted to support these events and to raise awareness on migration.
Action II.4.b Sharing existing educational tool kits
Leaflets and educational stands relating to migration will be shared by the network and presented to the migration watch points. These tool kits will be reedited without copyright.
Action II.4.c Creation of elementary communication supports
The leaflet « Where to watch bird migration in France? » has been published.
II.5 Raising awareness of school youth to migration
Action II.5.a Sharing educational tools for school youth
Through the intranet of the migration network, volunteers at the migration watch points will exchange their experiences on migration and use these to prepare educational tools for school youth.
Action II.5.b Propose an annual “migration” project to school youth
A specific workgroup of the network will create an educational campaign for school youth.
Goal III: Reinforcement of species and habitat protection at stop-over and migration sites
III.1 Defining priorities in terms of spacial protection
Action III.1.a Identifying unprotected important bird areas
A GIS analysis will be done in order to identify important stop-over sites and migration bottlenecks lacking satisfactory legal protection.
Action III.1.b Mobilization of the network to complete the protection of important areas for migrants
Local representatives of the network will be asked to improve the protection of migrants at these sites, with the support of the entire network.
Action III.1.c Ensuring the effective protection of areas benefiting from a protected status
Migration watch points will be supported by the entire network by press contacts or lawsuits whenever the legal status of stop-over sites or migratory routes is not respected.
Action III.1.d Proposing natural habitat management resources for migrant birds on the migraction website
A selection of practical conservation measures for migratory birds will be put on line.
III.2 Defining priorities in terms of species protection
Action III.2.a Proposal of a systematic « migrant bird » topic in the conservation goals of protected areas
The Natura 2000 network, nature reserves, « Conservatoires des espaces naturels » and « Conservatoire du littoral » will be asked to include a migration survey and a migrant-friendly management in the practical management documents (DOCOB in France), census work and various management plans.
Action III.2.b Preventing power line casualties
The migration network will transmit observations of bird casualties under electric power lines to the relevant companies (in France EDF and RTE). The latter will incite manufacturers to take protective measures in the field.  (e.g. Power lines can be made less dangerous by widening the gap between conducting and ground wires, insulating wires and metal parts, and moving wires farther away from pole tops. Guards can be built around favorite raptor perches. Underground power lines present no danger to birds.)
Action III.2.c Limiting the impact of windmills on migrant birds
The network will allow access to its information on the migratory flow to local nature protection associations studying the potential impact of windmill parks before construction. Studies on the real impact of windmill parks – after construction, will be encouraged. The acquired knowledge of studies before and after the construction of windmills will be stored in a data base.
Action III.2.d Founding an observatory of new threats to migrants
Information and knowledge on recent threats to migrants will be discussed on the Internet site and in the biannual news letter (light pollution, climate change, toxins, etc. ). When new threats are identified, a working group may be created to propose effective measures or the steering committee may propose a press release.
Action III.2.e Contribution to more bird-friendly opening and closure dates of the hunting season in line with species conservation
The analysis of data on game species or additional surveys will contribute to opening and closing dates of the hunting season in line with species conservation.
Goal IV: Organization and continuation of the program
Action IV.1.a Organizing a steering group
The steering group includes representatives of the founding associations : Le Clipon, Groupe Ornithologique Normand, Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, Organbidexka Col Libre, Réserve Naturelle de l’Estuaire de la Seine, Collectif Escrinet. The steering group will accept other members provided that they are accepted by all the members of the original steering group.
Associations or individuals linked to the migrAction plan can be invited at the meetings of the steering group on request of one of the members and in agreement with all other members.
Action IV.1.b Ensuring the coordination (secretariat, functioning of the network)
LPO will ensure the coordination, functioning and secretariat of the steering committee, controlled by the latter.
Realization of a year report
The steering group will produce an annual report with the aims of the MigrAction plan, including the annual evaluation of the program.
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