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Annual reports : Bois de Cise, 2017
Bird Reports
See cumulative daily totals and phenology graphs
Not available. This representation exists with one or all sites, one or all years and a single species.

Comparison of the duration of migration : This graph compares the duration of migration in number of days between different key percentages of migration. It is possible to compare several sites on the same graph.
Not available. This representation exists with one or all sites, one or all years and a single species.

Comparison of migration dates : This graph matches key percentages of migration with calendar days. It is possible to compare several sites in the same graph.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, all years and a single species.

Interannual trend : This interannual graph represents the evolution between annual totals.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Phenological trend : This graph represents the evolution of the percentage of migration. Key percentages are indicated by vertical red bars.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, all years and a single species.

Daily evolution : This interannual graph represents the trend of dates and key percentages of migration.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Totals by hour : This graph represents the distribution of the total number of birds by hour. When a specific year is chosen, the average of all the years of the migration watch is shown in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Seasonal phenology : This graph represents the distribution of the daily passage total (the decadary total is symbolized by red bars). If a specific year is selected, the average of all years is shown in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Relative migration : This graph represents the distribution in daily percentage of migration (percentage by decade being symbolized by red bars). If a specific year is chosen, the average of all years is shown in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Seasonal phenology (decade) : This graph represents the migration total by decade. If a specific year is selected, the average of all years of the migration survey is shown in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Hourly mean per decade : This graph shows the mean number of migrants per hour over ten-day periods. When a specific year is selected, the mean number of migrants calculated over all years of record is depicted in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Seasonal phenology (5-day period) : This graph shows the numbers of migratory individuals over 5-day periods. If a specific year is selected, the average of all years is shown in grey.
Not available. This representation exists with a single site, one or all years and a single species.

Hourly mean per 5-day period : This graph shows the mean number of individuals per hour over 5-day periods. When a specific year is selected, the mean number of migrants calculated over all years of record is shown in grey.
Available. This representation exists with a single site, a single year and all the species.

Summary table : This graph represents the seasonal totals as well as the latest totals of the migration watch. The upper table represents the most significant species for the watchpoint.
Available. This representation exists with a single site, a single year and all the species.

Migration synthesis : This graph is representing migration periods for each species at the site in a given year
Available. This representation exists with one or all sites, one or all years and all the species.

Observation effort : This table shows the observer pressure at the watchpoint for all years or day by day for a selected year.
Not available. This representation exists with all sites combined, one or all years and a single species.

Distribution Map : This map shows the relative importance of the watchpoints for a selected species. The dots represent the number of individuals per season.

Period : from Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017 until Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Number of days of migration watch : 3
Number of hours of migration watch : 09h15

Number of birds : 19332
Saturday  2017 08h00-10h30- Duration : 02h30 
Waning Gibbous (15 days) : Moonrise at 18h09 and moonset at 7h39
Sun : sunrise at 07h50 and sunset at 17h25
Day : dawn at 07h16 and dusk at 17h59
Comments :
08h00-10h30 : 08h00-08h25 : Observations réalisées en fait sur le site d'Onival avant d'être effectuées sur le spot de référence d'Onival à compter de 8h30. Observateurs : Thierry Rigaux et Michelle Gérard. Météo : fort vent du sud : 4-5 Bft . Nébulosité 7/8 à 8/8 avec averses. Très beau passage de Pinsons du Nord qui, comme les autres migrateurs, volent très bas contre un vent offrant une forte résistance à la progression. NB : Les premières obs (celles de 8h à 8h25) sont faites à l'extrême sud des bas-champs de Cayeux, en face de la Catouillette, où le flux est plus dispersé. Les Grives vues alors n'auraient peut-être pas été notées à Onival (?)
 The most significant species
  Show phenology  Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
  Show phenology  Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
  Show phenology  Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)
  Show phenology  Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)
  Show phenology  Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
  Show phenology  Eurasian Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
  Show phenology  Common Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
  Daily total
 Other species
   Common Blackbird (Turdus merula)
   Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
   Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)
  Daily total
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