Who are we?
MISSION MIGRATION (MIGRATION STUDY GROUP) is a network of associations, working together to improve the protection of migrants and the conservation of their habitat.
France, wonderland at the crossroads of migration...
France is in a privileged position to enjoy one the most fascinating and mysterious natural events : avian migration. The country's geographical position, its habitat diversity and the prevailing winds funnel tens of millions of birds over its territory during spring and autumn migration. Twice a year, these massive movements stress the urgent need to protect migrants, the winged symbols of nature without political boundaries.
… but dangerous, too!
Unfortunately, the future of many migratory species is bleak, as pointed out once more by the latest BirdLife report on the conservation of European birds. In France, danger is lurking everywhere, ranging from a general decline in quality and surface of natural habitats - wetlands in particular, over a drop in insect numbers, an increase in manmade constructions, more and more light pollution, etc. Because of global warming, certain species are facing a synchronization problem between the peak in food abundance and the hatchling period, increasing mortality in the nest. Climate change and the interaction of anthropic and natural factors are adding up against the migrants. Numerous actions need to be taken to understand and counter the decline of migratory species, keeping in mind that France has signed the Countdown 2010 Declaration in order to stop or reverse the dramatic decline in biodiversity by that year.
Strong together
In 2006, eight associations (LPO, OCL, CORA, GONm, Le Clipon, Picardie Nature, Groupe Ornithologique de Corse, Réserve Naturelle de l'Estuaire de la Seine) and a number of individual birders joined forces with a five year plan in order to improve and continue the protection of migratory species. The team took the name MISSION MIGRATION (MIGRATION STUDY GROUP), a network uniting all actors, both associations and individuals, interested in bird migration. In 2007, the steering committee of MISSION MIGRATION, representing the founder associations, expressed its wish to create the necessary tools for such a network in order to broaden and share the knowledge on migrant birds. This Internet site, MIGRACTION.NET and data base have been created, forming a powerful and unique tool in France. From 2008 onward, MISSION MIGRATION is stimulating field work, doing surveys, analyzing results, helping conservation, and raising awareness among the general public.